"Chenard Walcker is a French samplecore artist layering large slabs of pop music, obscure funk, soundtracks, etc. The site offers many albums worth of material as free downloads, as an anti-copyright stance. He also publishes the Free Sample Zone, which is all his material under several monikers...." -- official website

Chenard is the prolific visual and musical collage artist who operated the Free Sample Zone netlabel with 50+ releases available for download. When that domain expired, Oddio Overplay created this mirror for the netlabel with the hope that Chenard's work will reach more listeners.

releases 1-10 | releases 11-20 | releases 21-30 | releases 31-40 | releases 41-51 | bonus material
Free Sample Zone Netlabel Releases 11-20

Chenard Walcker - Omelette [fsz011]
(November 11, 2003)

Customers of the Merkury bar (Poland) say that this one is their favorite. Maybe it's because some voices i've embezzled here are quite recent. Or maybe this is only due to alcohol...

The clueless track two is meant to say this : Michael Jackson should rather remember what he has done with kids instead of pretending sexy romance with grown-up girls.

Oscar And The Jets - Nelson's Melody [fsz012]
(February 2, 2004)

Two tracks dedicated to Serge Gainsbourg's masterpiece, Melody Nelson (1971). It was created by request of Oopswhoops, for a french radio show he wanted to do on Gainsbourg. He broadcasted track one.

Les Rapeurs Sans Tete - Les Rapeurs Sans Tete [fsz013]
(March 3, 2004)

At the beginning of 2004, Sylvie Bouvier worked with her pupils (7 to 9 years old Adama, Zacharia, Rojin & Swell) on writing some rap lyrics as it seemed to be the very way they would learn to read and write french.

I knew Rojin, Zacharia and Adama for having already worked with them. I found the result so nice, so astonishaly personal, that i proposed the guys to record them while toasting their text, and to make a track for them.

I was teaching 3 years old pupils that same year so it wasn't easy finding some time to record them. i had to cut & paste on the voices and overdubbed some music.

In the text, Adama talks of his mother's death, Zacharia says he misses his father who he hardly sees... Though there is so much trouble for them, they keep having that huge appetite for life.

Everyone had his cd. They proudly played it in all the classes of the school. Unfortunately i couldn't scan the sleeve's drawings each one had made. Wars, weapons... but also a bright Sun !

Chenard Walcker - Le Football de Collage [fsz014]
(April 4, 2004)

This is the kind of sport you should try - a Dada gymnastic for the mind. You're gonna sweat!

Chenard Walcker - Rock'n Roll Boy [fsz015]
(April 4, 2004)

A weirdo funky stuff featuring some of the hottest dum dum boys i know, like Justin, Shooby 'Human Horn' Taylor or Louie Louie who is 'playing up to 14 trumpets in certain spots'.

But the fuzz here comes from 'Jaune Soufre', a poem of Malika Saçad, on which was overdubbed some kinda surrealist happy funk, with soli from many unknown instruments and rolling basses that contrasts a great deal with the dark poem Malika wrote. The following track, 'Shooby Taylor', is a sonic stew development of 'Jaune Soufre' with fat drums, heavy guitars soli and loads of insanity !

Two songs from this EP were also released on Comfortstand Recordings as a Swingin' Single [csr511].

Oscar And The Jets - Brown Baby [fsz016]
(May 5, 2004)

Second release to appear in the Free Sample Zone for Oscar and his warm Jets, 'Brown Baby' is based on the beautiful song of the same name created by Oscar Brown Junior in 1960. He sings while Chenard is behind desks.

Chenard Walcker - Magirus Dentz [fsz017]
(June 6, 2004)

'Magirus Dentz' was inspired by a 8mm film seen in a found footage installation in Paris. This amateur film showed brand new german red fire trucks demonstrating their capabilities. But the brand of the trucks isn't 'Magirus Dentz' but 'Magirus Deutz'. I often swap letters, but here i've put one upside down.

Chenard Walcker - Oddio [fsz018]
(July 7, 2004)

The groovy wakka chikka songs of this album were created for Katyana at oddiooverplay.com, after she asked me to do a track for a net-compilation that is now released on her site (K chose 'Io' & 'Oddio Overplay').

It's all plunderphonics - that is to say songs made out of samples only - cut and paste booty dancefloor beats, etc. All infos on the sources here.

Chenard Walcker - X Rays [fsz019]
(August 8, 2004)

This set was initialy created for the mr_melvis project at Comfortstand Recordings, a compilation called 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka - Porn Music For The Masses'. Chenard wasn't allowed in, because he organized an orgy in Paris without inviting the Seattle crew!

The way some tracks were created could be compared to a gang-bang - everybody's fucking with one another... Here are porn horn, fuzzy bass, dirty lyrics and sesso matto drums for your free sex parties.

Chenard is your porn star!

Chenard Walcker - Echolalie [fsz020]
(November 11, 2004)

French word for echolalia, the immediate, stereotyped and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others. Commonly known as 'parroting', functional echolalia is using a quoted phrase in a way that has shared meaning, for example, a child who sings the Barney jingle to ask for a Barney videotape, or says 'Get your shoes and socks' to ask to go outside (in very young children, imitating or echoing another's speech is normal, and helps in the development of expressive speech and language skills). The echo is often uttered with a mocking, mumbling or staccato intonation.

Echolalia should not be confused with habituation repetition of questions, apparently to clarify the question and formulate its answer, as when a patient is asked, 'When did you come to the hospital ?' and replies 'Come to the hospital? Yesterday'. Echolalia is observed in some pervasive developmental disorders, organic mental disorders, and is often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia.

This album is about memory, as i almost lost it while working on the songs of 'Echolalie'. It was created using the immediate, stereotyped and involuntary repetition of words or musical phrases just sung/played by others - dozens of them at the same time.


releases 1-10 | releases 11-20 | releases 21-30 | releases 31-40 | releases 41-51 | bonus material